gia vang hom nay , seo uy tin , bao ve viet nam , cong ty bao ve viet nam , dich vu bao ve viet nam , thoi trang viet nam , thoi trang viet nam , tin tuc moi viet nam , tin moi viet nam , chia se mon ngon , phim viet nam , ung dung game , tin giai tri , tin cong nghe , khach san da lat , anh showbiz , my pham trang da , bao da ipad , op lung iphone , bao ipad , tap chi sao , kem duong da , may tinh bang , samsung , dien thoai sky , iphone , smartphone gia re , phim club , bao cong nghe , ipad , iphone 5s , thoi trang , Game Mobile , game mobile , meo vat , me va be , OpenCart Themes , flash card

About Roy

Roy’s love for photography occurred while doing engineering when he made his first pinhole camera by having two pipes slide into each other with different size apertures. While that contraption has long been scraped Roy has still maintained his passion for photographing people, events and products and uses state of the art equipment.

Asked what makes a good portrait Roy replied “a good eye good communication and passion

After working part time for professional photographers Roy decided to go it alone and opened his first studio at the Hypermarket in Norwood Johannesburg Later moving to Norwood where he now has a state of the art studio in a newly renovated building.

Roy’s accomplishments have been many star bride competitions as well as the album company being voted “Most Creative Album“ at the Las Vegas Wedding conference for 2008.

105 William Road, Norwood, Johannesburg, South Africa
P. O. Box 92193, Norwood, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2117
Tel: (011) 728 7367 - Fax: (011) 728 7368 - E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
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